How to Start Your Own Spinning Sign and Human Billboard Service Business


You can start your own business working for yourself, as a human billboard or a spinning sign holder, either part-time on the weekends, or full time. These days, lots of companies hire individuals to stand on busy intersections and street corners, with large signs to entice customers to come in, or stop by. New home builders, grand openings, pizza places, political campaigns, etc… have been using people as human billboards to advertise for them, and the demand keeps growing.

There are even classes on sign spinning, and doing tricks with the signs, that will get people noticed even more, when in heavy traffic, or pedestrian situations. Someone holding a big 6 foot arrow, and using it to point at things with, and then can do various tricks with it, could actually get you lots of jobs, and who knows, maybe you could even become famous someday?

Instead of working for a company, and doing it for them, the hours they tell you to work, and pay, you could make more doing it for yourself. You could set up your own business as a sign spinner, or human billboard. The more you can do, to attract attention, to whatever the advertiser wants you to advertise for, the more money you can charge them. You can do this part-time or full time, and make any hours you want to work. You could make up a flier, with your various items you will perform, and the prices you charge for your service.

Some companies would gladly pay someone else, who already has his advertising materials ready. You should have, and own your own big arrow, but you should make the advertisers pay for any sign that needs to be made up, for their various advertisements. You should have a place that makes banners for you, so you can offer new banners to new advertising customers, so they don’t have to spend time looking for one, and you can charge them for that service also. You could have a set price, for new banners for your sign spinning, or human billboard sign.

If you have any quality costumes, like a gorilla, or cartoon character, you could charge even more, while wearing that, and doing the sign business. The guy standing on the corner in a good gorilla outfit, holding a sign pointing at something, is going to get noticed by everyone that drives by! If you can bring all that to the business owner, ready to go, with a good price for your services, you could do really well in this business for yourself.


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