Video Testimonials

09.21.2009 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus ...
09.21.2009 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque ...

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Frequently asked questions

How does make money if they design websites for free ?

We do not make any money from our professional design. However, we do profit by hosting your free website at a very low monthly fee from $15 per month. Any website in the world must be hosted somewhere in order to be displayed on the internet. customers websites will be hosted on our servers which resides in the USA.

I require more than one website. Do you offer more than one free website per customer ?

We will design as many websites as you require.There is no limit.Please note that each website must be hosted with us separately at a low monthly fee from $15 per month.

What information do you require from me to build my free website and how do I get it to you ?

We have tried various methods of obtaining information from our customers. We found that the best way to handle this process is that you simply email us what you have i.e your photos,text information and contact details. We will reply to your mail accordingly and guide you until we have all the necessary information.You will receive the exact steps via email once you have placed your order with us.

I want a free website from but I don't know how many pages I require ?

We suggest that you simply email us all the information that you have.We will then reply with the appropriate suggestion.We highly recommend that you consider Package 2 because it allows you 10 pages (which are generally more than enough) Package 2 also includes Basic on site SEO !

How does the updates work ? After my website is up and running….surely I would like you guys to add and update new information once and again.What are the procedures and costs involved ?

You can simply email your changes to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it We offer you 1 to 2 hours of changes every month (based on your Package). Hours that were not used will not be transferred onto the next month. If you need more than 1- 2 hours worth of updates in a specific month ,then we will bill you separately at $30 per hour.We will always first provide you with a quotation.

We have found that 1- 2 hours per month is more than enough for minor updates.

I require more pages . How much extra do you charge per page ?

You can either upgrade to a higher package or you can pay $40 once-off per additional page.

I require a portal /e-commerce/dynamic/complex website. Is that also free ?

We do not offer portal and e-commerce websites included in our Hosting but we can refer you to the perfect place.Contact us should you require e-commerce / directory websites and we will point you in the right direction.

Do you require any payment before you start with my project ?

Yes. We will email the payment options and procedures to you once you have placed your order. The amount payable will be $15 ,$18 or $25 depending on which option you choose. Payment will be valid for one calendar month. The next monthly invoice will be sent to you 30 days (one calendar month) from the date of your initial invoice.

What payment options are available ?

- Online Credit Card Payment (ideal for international customers)

- EFT (electronic bank transfer)

We will email detailed instructions on both options once you have placed your order.

I do not want to pay monthly. Can I pay yearly ?

Yes. Simply inform our offices and we will send the invoice accordingly.

I see that you have a 10 day completion guarantee. What happens if you take longer than 10 days?

It yet has to happen ! But we will give you your first month for free should it ever happen. The reason for this guarantee is because we strive to provide nothing short of excellent service to our customers. Please note that we do require complete information from you (we will assist you with this process) as well as payment for the first invoice before the 10 days start ticking !

How long should I wait for updates to be completed ?

Updates to existing sites will be completed within 7 working days !

I have an idea….I'm going to subscribe to one of your packages ,let you design my website….and then I'm going to take my designed website somewhere else !

Ownership of all websites designed by will vest in for until receipt of :

1. Package 1 : 24 payments

2 : 15 payments

3. Package 3: 12 payments thereafter ownership will be transferred to you.I see that I don't have to sign any contracts?

Can I cancel my subscription at any given time?

That is correct. Simply send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to upgrade ,downgrade or cancel your subscription.

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