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09.21.2009 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus ...
09.21.2009 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent vestibulum molestie lacus. Aenean nonummy hendrerit mauris. Phasellus porta. Fusce suscipit varius mi. Cum sociis natoque ...
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Terms and Conditions

1. will start with your website once we have received all the information and pictures that you would like to be displayed on your website in the relevant format AND once the first payment has been received.

2. All info (text) must be sent to us in Word format. Pictures have to be JPEG, GIF or PNG. Pictures and info must not be sent in PDF format. You must ensure that there are no copyright infringements on content and pictures supplied to us to use for your website, as you will be held accountable for any infringements. By accepting these terms and conditions you confirm that there are no copyright infringements and you indemnify WDS against any claims for any copyright infringement.

3. Website Design Studio reserves the right to suspend any account (website removed from the internet and hosting services placed on hold) payment not be received 5 days after any monthly invoice issued. Account can be reinstated after payment of all arrears plus a penalty amount of $10 .

(We offer website solutions at the lowest possible rates to make it affordable for anyone. We are willing to do A LOT of work for little money! Our system will therefore automatically  ’block’ such customers and NO future orders  will be accepted  in the case where a customer instructs us to design a website and they simply fail to pay the monthly invoice for 2 following months).

4. Once a website has been ordered and payment received no refunds will be made. Make sure that you can afford the monthly fee before you order a website.

5. Our 10 working day website completion guarantee starts ONLY once we have received all information and pictures from YOU that you would like to be displayed on your website as well as payment for the first invoice. You will be notified as soon as we confirmed that we have all the relevant info to start designing your website to confirm that the 14 day clock is now ticking.

6. reserves the right to choose to do a particular website or not. We will not design websites containing ANY pornographic content, foul language or anything we feel is inappropriate or could harm anyone’s internet experience.

7. Monthly invoices will be sent 30 days after your initial invoice and has to be paid within 5 days to avoid account suspension. The suspension of accounts is on an automatic system.

8. offers email support  Monday to Friday (8am – 6pm)

9. Our Hosting Packages includes static websites only. Complex developed websites (Ecommerce) will be quoted accordingly.

10. Once your website has been completed any alterations or updates will be charged at $20 per hour unless stated otherwise in the package details. Please link to our packages page to view details.

11. We guarantee 99.9% uptime on all our websites/hosting. Should you experience any problems with your website or emails please feel free to contact us at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or complete the online contact form.

12. SEO marketing cannot be guaranteed in any way. No business in the world can guarantee this marketing method. It is however crucial to subscribe to this marketing method to give your website the best chance to be seen on the internet.

13.Website Design Studio is fully booked most of the times and can therefore not guarantee that we will start with your project from day 1.We shall however inform you via email when we can start with your project. We will not accept any form of payment before we can accommodate your project.

14.Updates to your website: You can simply email any changes to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it . If you need more than 1-2 hours worth of updates in a specific month, we will bill you separately at $20 per hour. We will always first provide you with a quotation. We have found that 1-2 hours per month is more than enough for minor updates. Updates will be completed within 7 working days.

15. Exact payment details and procedures will be emailed to you once you have placed your order. You will be presented with a choice between Credit Card payment and EFT (electronic bank transfer)

16. Ownership and IP of all websites designed or hosted by will rest in until receipt of – 24 payments For Packet 1 and  12 payments on other packets!